It seems these days we are stressed no matter what. We always have a reason: deadlines at work, birthdays coming up, family planning to come visit, holiday season, ….
Right now it is the holiday season, so let’s look at this crazy time of the year a little closer.
We are trying to make ends meet, we are working on making this year super special, at least as special as last year. Buying gifts, cooking meals, having family over….
No time to reflect on what we really require and desire during these holidays. We push everything out to the new year. Yes, there is the new year resolution.We think that later we can start to focus on what we require. For some reason, this “later” never happens, because there are other things that will get in the way.
But what if….
What if we could do the things we require and desire during the holidays or any other stressful time?
You might think “That will for sure stress me out more” “I don’t have time for this” “How am I supposed to fit this in?”
However, what if we can do this and at the same time be more at peace and happy.
Who says we can’t ?
Is that just one of our belief-systems? “It has always been this way.” “You have to be stressed during the holidays, otherwise you are not doing enough or not putting enough effort in!” “Mom was always stressed, so I have to be stressed.” and on and on and on…..
These are all belief systems that we are trapped in. These are all old contracts that we are tied to.
None of them really serve us anymore. So why hold on to them? Is it not time to cancel the contracts and throw away those belief systems that don’t serve us anymore?
It is time to create a new tradition of peaceful and relaxed and joyful holidays.
The first thing to do is to ask ourselves what is important to us . What do we desire and require and let’s not forget deserve?
Whenever the thoughts come up “I have to do …” let’s ask ourselves: “Is this something that will get me to what I require, desire or deserve, or is this coming from an old belief system or contract that does not serve me anymore?”
If we find ourselves stressed over something, following questions can assist us in getting some answers:
- What am I stressed about?
- Why do I think I have to do this?
- Why do I think I have to do this this way?
- Am I trying to prove something to someone?
- Am I falling into a “victim” or “never good enough” role again?
Then, after looking at our situation objectively as an observer, we have a choice.
We can decide to continue as we always have, or we can choose to do things differently.
And remember: There is no right or wrong in this.
Don’t judge yourself. You are your worst critic. Trying to be perfect. That is another belief-system/contract. You are the only one living your life. You get to live it and choose how to live it.
Everyone else is busy with their own lives, so do not worry about them. There is no sense in trying to control them, or making your decisions based on what you think they would want you to do.
Choose LIFE! Choose YOUR LIFE!
If you are at peace with your choices that’s all that counts. Being aware and awake when you choose will help you make choices that you are ok with.
So let’s not beat ourselves up during stressful times. Let’s have fun and discover what we require, desire and deserve!